Memorial Day

Memorial Day 6

Photo from:

The final Monday in May in the United States of America is celebrated as Memorial Day. On this day, there are marathons of movies like Saving Private Ryan, families get together for cookouts, and many people get to sleep in as they don’t have to go to work. However, too many Americans have forgotten the reason behind this holiday. The phrase “freedom isn’t free” truly matches the real reason behind this holiday.

Today, we honor the men and women who had given their lives to protect our nation. On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat there are memes and cartoons reminding us of their sacrifice. Photos of children receiving the flag over their parents grave and spouse crying at their grave are all a grave reminder of why we have this day.

Freedom isn’t free because so many brave men and women never returned to America. The country they swore to protect and defend. The men and women who returned to be buried have every right to be honored on this day. Across America there are celebrations to honor them for their sacrifice. Unfortunately, too many people take this holiday for granted forgetting the reason we have rights other countries do no.

Hitting a Writers Block


Just like this photo hitting a writers block can leave you feeling like you are in the dark. Today, when I was thinking about what to write about I hit a block hard. Just like this photo I felt like I didn’t know where to turn. So, I took some time to step away from the writing to brain storm ideas. I took a walk, had lunch, and binge watched shows on Netflix.

IMG_7330.JPGUltimately, I found myself typing about hitting a writers block. I find it  odd that I am writing about hitting a writers block when I am in the midst of one right now. Ah, the frustration of a writers block is one that we all must deal with. Eventually, I hope to find myself out of this writers block in the end.

Rain, Rain, Rain


The past month of April was a rainy month. Unfortunately, it looks like the month of May is going to be another rainy month. Right now there is a thunderstorm where I am in Connecticut. But, never the less rain brings flowers and cools things down in the summer when it is hot.

IMG_0714However, with rain sometimes comes thunderstorms and power outages. Thunderstorms, they are okay, but power outages are not. As long as there is gas in the generator being prepped and ready for one is no problem. Unfortunately, a generator can only last so long and is loud.

IMG_0679.JPGRain, rain, rain it is something that we need. Many people enjoy running out in the rain feeling the water as it falls out of the sky putting their head back to taste a few drops. Many people consider it good luck for it to rain on your wedding day.

Rain is something that is enjoyed and envied at the same time. Rain frustrates some when it interferes with plans, but leads to happiness for others looking for a day to rest. Rain seems to be one of those things that brings both happiness and sadness all in one for everyone.


Finally Back!

Due to some technical issues I have been unable to blog for the past month. But, now that its over and I can finally blog again. I look forward to sharing my adventures and life lessons from the past month. IMG_6879.JPG