The Armenian Genocide

Centennial Of The Armenian GenocideToday many articles about the Armenian Genocide showed up. Known as the Armenian Holocaust to some as the Ottoman Empire did the same thing to these innocent people as Hitler did to the Jewish, Gypsy, disabled and other minorities. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of what happened to the Armenians many years ago.

Armenians marched by Turkish soldiers, 1915.pngThere were approximately 800,000 to 1.5 million deaths. Several people were deported from their homes. There were mass shootings and death marches that happened. There were people who were poisoned in concentration camps that were set up. After some of the people died their heads were put on stakes for all to see. Massacres done with fire to burn and water to drown people took place.

The more I read up on the Armenian Genocide, the more I see a parallel to the Holocaust that happened during World War II. The Armenian Genocide took place during World War I. I find it interesting to see that history tells us that genocide happened during both World Wars. The world heard about what happened in Armenia, but the Holocaust happened anyway.

There are people who deny the Armenian Genocide ever happened, like people deny the Holocaust. The parallels, to me, are astounding. The Armenian Genocide is something that can’t be forgotten because it really happened. Around the world people denounced the mass killings done by the Turks. The more genocides that are denied the more likely this is to happen again. People should not be targeted for being who they are. The Armenians have this in their history and the world should hear it.

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